
Our services are somewhat unique in the corporate space. We offer a wide variety of services to cater for any corporation no matter the size.

Comprehensive corporate care

Services For All Employees

Our services a not simply geared towards employees in pain but instead we focus on a holistic approach keeping workers healthy and preventing unnecessary time off. We also cater to those staff members who have sustained an injury to get them better quicker!

Preventative Screening & Exercise Programs

We provide a comprehensive worker screening program designed to catch problems before they manifest.

This one on one consult highlights any areas of pain for the worker and then delves into a deep musculoskeletal assessment of those areas.

Any impairments are then addressed with a specific and tailor made exercise prevention program.

Group Ergonomic Training Sessions

Online or in-person group exercise programs can be requested by corporations.

In-person ergonomic training sessions are focused around teaching what is relevant to the employees and injury prevention strategies.

Online training programs can be requested and tailor-made for corporations to be used in inductions, or as general training material that may be compulsory for workers once every couple of years as a refresher.

1:1 Ergonomic Assessments

Ergonomic assessments fall into both injury prevention and early intervention strategies.

We aim to provide the employee with a comprehensive assessment at their place of work. Once completed, immediate strategies and advice will be given to the worker.

A formal report can also be requested from the employer which involves any equipment recommendations or changes to hours/pattern of work for the employee.

Telehealth Triage Service

Our early intervention program is one of a kind and it starts with our any-time telehealth triage service.

If subscribed a worker who experience a twinge or ache can simply book a same-day telehealth appointment with a physiotherapist.

The physiotherapist will take them through an assessment and recommend any immediate strategies. After this they will be followed up with more telehealth or in-person treatments as the physiotherapy deems necessary.

Online Or In-Person Treatments

Your workers are completely covered with online or in-person treatments with no extra-cost to the worker.

They will be treated online if possible, but our physiotherapists will also travel onsite if within Brisbane Metro area to treat the worker at the workplace.

This convenient service means employees don’t have to waste time travelling after hours, where they can be seen at their work. This encourages employees to care for their bodies and helps the corporation become more productive.

Comprehensive Reporting

We provide quarterly reports outlining the key components of what we have treated.

Whilst keeping worker identity concealed, we can give information on what parts of the body are being injured, reasons for injury, number of sessions needed for each treatment case and more.

This data helps the corporation to target health and safety measures that address common themes.

Rehabilitation Of The Injured Employee

Click Corporate is perfectly positioned to help any injured employee back on their feet.

We are approved to provide services through work cover and will take the rehabilitate the injured worker and get them back onsite as quickly & safely as possible.

We will treat the worker as needed in our Brisbane clinic or, refer to one of our partners if the worker prefers.

Liaising With Work-Cover & Employers

During worker rehabilitation our role involves liaising with workcover and any OH&S department members from the corporation.

We provide a third party to help ensure both worker and company get the desired outcome from rehabilitation and that it is a quick and seamless experience.

Comprehensive Return To Work Plans

Our area of expertise is getting workers back to their workplace. To do this sometimes there will need to be site visits and customised return to work plans for the worker.

This helps streamline the workers journey back to their workplace in a safe manner. Saving mental stress for the worker and money for the corporation.


Injury Prevention will save Corporations money!

The research is very clear that money invested in safety and injury prevention is money saved in the long run.

Early intervention programs have been shown to double the speed at which workers return to work and also have added benefits of less time off work, improved recovery and less chance of developing a chronic illness.

To the right was some of the benefits of a study conducted by commcare with three public health sectors in Australia.

Who have we helped?

These corporations trust us

Eligible For A Free Ergonomics Training?

Want to see if you’re eligible, or simply get the latest in ergonomic trends. Just fill out your details and shoot us an email when done – we will be in contact to discuss further.

Note: You must be based in Australia to be eligible for our ergonomics training sessions.